What’s that dark line below my belly? Is it always going to be like this?

It’s common in pregnancy to develop a vertical dark line on the stomach. It mostly shows up in the middle of the pregnancy and is called Linea Nigra. Also, it isn’t only seen in pregnancy stages, all age groups can experience this as per the researcher’s words.

In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you should know about this and we’ll also discuss the reasons why it is experienced without a pregnancy.

 Linea Nigra

  1. It is a brownish dark line on an abdomen appearing vertical in position. Many can experience it to be wider but the ideal length of this is approx 1/4 to 1/2 inches wide.
  2. The location of this appears between the pubic area and the belly button. Sometimes, it’s even visible in the upper abdomen
  3. Linea Alba is always present as a line running between the abdomen and the pubic area. This is present ever since and gets highlighted during the pregnancy called Linea Nigra, where it appears too obvious and dark.

Reasons for its presence, when you are not pregnant:

There aren’t any specific reasons to define why it stays during pregnancy and for others. As per the doctors, the reasons include:

  1. Hormones

Nothing surprising, because in our bodies if disturbances occur the first thing that gets disoriented in its working is the hormones. The combination of progesterone and estrogen levels causes the formation of melanin. The melanin imparts a darker color to the parts of the skin and it can occur in both situations pregnancy or no-pregnancy. The more are the levels of melanin, the darker your skin appears.

  1. The environment or medications

The hormone imbalance can also be caused by the environment you are residing in or by the medications you are using frequently. Medications like birth control pills etc. can result in an imbalance of your hormones, further increasing melanin levels in you. High exposure to the sun also increases levels of pigment in you.

  1. Sometimes underlying medical conditions can cause hormones imbalances

If you are suffering from any medical conditions, contact your doctor and assure yourself that whether it is the cause or not. Many times, different medical conditions can disturb the functioning of your hormones causing imbalances and increasing melanin levels making your skin appear darker.

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Applications that can come in handy:

This isn’t so easy to fade away, still some applications can prove useful.

  1. Apply sunscreen whenever you step out in the sun. Sunscreen can help it not get darker than it was appearing.
  2. Don’t bleach your skin to make it disappear as it will only hurt your skin even more. Try using make-up as a covering agent, instead.
  3. Time is known to heal everything and it will fade away with passing years.

Don’t stress yourself with this dark line killing your self-confidence inside. Remember, you are beautiful and no such line defines your existence. Enjoy your being surrounded by a healthy lifestyle.

Linea Nigra during Pregnancy

After discussing Linea Alba or a similar condition found in people experiencing no-pregnancy, it’s time to discuss it during pregnancy.

The hormones depleting during pregnancy are responsible for the black line appearing from the belly button to the abdomen or the pubic line. Also, not only the black line appears during pregnancy but also your skin darkens from face to toe due to the high production of melanin pigment in the body. This condition is called the mask of pregnancy, the melasma.

According to experts, this black line has occurred ever since the time of evolution and is the same line, which instructs your newborn to crawl finding their way to the breast to nurse.

Must Read: Frequent urination is a big problem in pregnancy. Why is it so? And how to deal with it?

Things you can practice in pregnancy for the dark black line

Often soon-to-be mothers experience distress watching the line grow dark. Introduce the below-listed things, to make you feel gorgeous and healthy:

  1. Introduce a healthy lifestyle and eat well. Eating well rightly is the solution to every discomfort. Consume green leafy vegetables, whole grains, and fruits to fight folic acid deficiency. Also, don’t miss your prenatal vitamin.
  2. Use sunscreen having SPF 30 to avoid over secretion of the melanin pigment and also cover the bump whenever you step out to avoid direct sun rays.

How much time will it take to disappear?

Something which is over concerning for a soon-to-be mother is how long will the black line exist.

The dark line disappears and fades away after a few months of the birth of the baby. Till then, don’t stress yourself but try enjoying the appearance of the line and mark it as a remembrance of you bringing life on earth.

To read more visit www.drdad.in



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